Budding Entrepreneurs At Work

Budding Entrepreneurs At Work

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

A day for all to celebrate, not just children

It's Children's Day today! Hurrah!

What a joy it is to celebrate it because it reminds us to stop for a minute and remember what it feels like to be a kid again. I was watching The Rise of The Guardians with the family yesterday and there was a phrase (well, more like a question actually) that hit home for me..." What is your centre?"

For those who have seen the movie, you'll remember that this was the question that Santa asked Jack Frost when the latter was chosen to become one of the guardians.

If you think about it, this is something that we should ask ourselves too, for aren't most of us always searching for the meaning in life? How can we find our centre too? For to know our centre is to know the part we play in the bigger scheme of things, isn't that so?

It really made me think about the work that we've been doing lately, not just at the primary and secondary schools but with the special needs kids too.

A teacher friend of mine who I had lunched with this afternoon commented that she couldn't fathom how I could find the energy to deal with running the business and admin aspects of JLPC as well as conduct the sessions too. It's all too easy to say that it comes from passion and wanting to make a difference in the world etc etc etc... which IS part of the equation, make no bones about it... but reflecting on this seemingly simple question, I realize the core of JLPC centres on the same thing that Jack Frost realized about himself and his centre, and that is it's 'FUN'.

Our success depends on the happiness of each and every kid that attends our workshops and camps. It is this which provide us such immense gratification for all the long hours and hard work we put into developing and conducting the program. By focusing on the concept that learning should be FUN, the work doesn't become tedious, it makes us feel young again, and most importantly it fuels the passion to want to do more and learn more.

So on behalf of JLPC, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone, from the very young to the very young at heart, a very happy and FUN-filled Children's Day. God bless!